Smart Ideas: Revisited

Common Mistakes People Make in DUI Cases

DUI arrests are among the most frightening and stressful things that a good number of people fear, the consequences of DUI conviction can be grievous and the crime will be inscribed in your life record for good, therefore, these are valid reasons to fear DUI and if it happens you need to know your reaction during the arrest and even the phase period can determine your conviction or liberty. When you are stopped on the roadside for DUI the chances are that you have a DUI case to answer, this is when you start preparing your defense and the first thing you do is to look for an experienced DUI defense attorney to help you with your case, unfortunately, this is the phase most people commit many mistakes that can harm the outcome of their DUI case significantly. This article, therefore, highlights some of the common mistakes most motorists during their DUI case to help you avoid them in case you find yourself in a similar situation.

One mistake many people do during their DUI case is not taking their case seriously, they ignorantly treat DUI as a regular road offense, what they seem to forget in some states DUI is treated as a criminal offense where once found guilty you are convicted, but if it is your first DUI offense most states consider it a misdemeanor and you can be jailed up to six months if the verdict is guilty, the thing is the severity of the DUI case vary with the state because in some states a fourth DUI attracts a 3 years jail term, what is even worse is that the DUI offense will be considered criminal and it will be put in your record if found guilty, for this reason, take DUI defense case with the weight it needs to avoid such occurrences, some people asks is DWI a felony? simple answer yes and in some state will be treated similar to DUI offence.

One other mistake you can ever do is to use cost as the main determinant of the defense attorney to choose, when you use cost as the main selection criterion for your DUI case the chances are you will take the cheapest which might end up being the most costly thing you ever did in your life, picking a general attorney to defend in you in a DUI case against an experienced DUI prosecutor is like placing a bet on a donkey in a race between donkeys and horses, therefore, look for a reliable and reputable DUI defense attorney who is experienced with the processes involved in DUI cases, for example, a good DUI defense attorney is conversant with processes such as alcohol and chemical testing for drugs, blood testing, scientific principle behind those tests, issues related to breathing which can be manipulated to give you favorable results in your DUI case, such attorneys are relatively expensive but given the consequences of guilty verdict they are worth every penny you spend.

Talking too much to the police when you are pulled over, it is understandable to try and get you way out of a DUI, unfortunately, you may talk too much giving away some evidence that might be used against you in court, the best way to go about it when you are stopped for DUI is to invoke your right to remain silent and only speak to the police in the presence of your DUI attorney. Those are common mistakes you should avoid during a DUI case.

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