Why You Need to Add Music For Marketing
Music and advertisement have been close since the 1950s in black and white TVs, music is an essential component in marketing because it has a varied ability to arouse emotions and create long-lasting memories, major brands take advantages of these abilities to create a lasting impression to the viewers that contribute significantly to developing of brand loyalty and increase the visibility of their products or services. The music ability to connect and arouse our feelings catapulting distinct emotional connections makes it a perfect choice for marketers to exploit our emotions to push their products into our memory by selecting the right music for their target audience, the rhythm of both the song and the advertisement are synced to make a smooth flow that makes the advertisement unforgettable especially when its played over and over again. So the questions is what exactly does music do that makes it have a huge hand in marketing? This article attempts to address these questions by outlining the relationship between music and marketing, so continue reading.
One thing about using music in advertising is that it is cost-effective, yes it is not always free to use music in adverts you will have to folk out some money, although today you have access to royalty free commercial music you can select, but the thing is using music as a marketing tool is quite scalable and the cost will depend with your options, for example, if you want to use a song of a popular artist it might cost you millions, but using local artists with the potential of becoming popular is an ideal alternative, the advantages of using growing local artists is that they have a high level of engagement with their audience and their following is a mix of fans and friends, local artists are also affordable compared to international artists whom may not represent your target audience.
Music plays an integral role in driving people’s attention, as a marketer you can exploit this capability to attract potential customers’ attention towards your business, products, or services you provide, for example, if you sell environmentally sensitive merchandise you can collaborate with an artist fostering environmental sustainability, this is because a majority of artists today have joined environmental campaigns that are pushing for environmentally friendly products and teaching their fans the importance of environmental sustainability, therefore, pairing with such artist can attract the attention of the people and drive their interest towards products you offer.
Music has used a source of inspiration, this is because of its ability to evoke emotions and association with particular events, therefore, commercials that want to express their stand toward something and inspire peoples carefully select music that inspires their target audience which makes them start talking about the brand hence achieving their marketing intent. Those are some features of music that make it a perfect advertising tool.